As women fighting the hair loss battle, we are the forgotten clients in a world of beautiful hair. We are the ones with the daily bad hair day, forever fighting against the ongoing war on our limited tresses. We hide under inexpensive wigs in the hopes no one notices us and outs the private illnesses that have led us to this hair trauma. We live on the margins, wishing every day we could enjoy the luxurious services and products reserved for clients with full, flowing heads of hair and healthy scalps.
For over three decades, Her Secret Hair has sought to be the bridge between a woman’s inner vision and outer appearance, transforming women into their truest versions of themselves. Whether we are battling cancer, in a silent war against polycystic ovarian syndrome, lupus, trichotillomania, hormonal changes or stress, or we wrestle daily with scalp conditions like seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis, we know that when it comes to hair loss solutions, we need answers that exist “outside the box” of traditional hair styling or simplified hair extensions and wigs.
At Her Secret Hair, we work outside the confines of traditional mass-marketed hair extensions – women suffering from hair loss shouldn’t be relegated to an unnatural finished product, or experience additional damage to her own hair simply because her scalp and hair are challenged. Instead, women with unique hair challenges need hair loss solutions as unique as their conditions. Her Secret Hair uses a variety of methods, techniques, and treatments to obtain a natural looking hairstyle that replicates the latest styles without risking damage to the natural hair. This unique approach to hair restoration allows customers to feel confident about their hair-loss solutions and avoids the “hair extension horror story.” The secret lies in the hair replacement professional’s unique understanding and experience with a host of medical issues and how these issues affect the hair and scalp. Her Secret Hair combines one-third trichology, one-third art, and one-third science to create a hair-engineering solution that is uniquely client-based from start to finish.